"Imagine each time you spray this fragrance, you're stepping onto a stage, the spotlight shining down on you, celebrating every challenge you've overcome. With its vibrant start of grapefruit, tobacco leaves, and pink pepper, it's like the opening notes of your personal anthem, bold and full of life, cheering for your adventurous spirit.
Sillage: Medium
Projection: 1.5 - 2 meter
Longevity: 5 hours
Lembabkan area kulit dengan pelembab. Spray parfum di titik terpanas tubuh (belakang telinga, pergelangan tangan & leher). Hal ini membuat wangi tersebar sempurna. Re-spray parfum 2 - 3x / hari sesuai kebutuhan. Hindari menempatkan parfum di suhu yang panas (terkena sinar matahari, ditinggal di bagasi kendaraan). Supaya kualitasnya terjaga, letakkan di tempat gelap seperti di dalam lemari dll. "